Photo Gallery
The activity - Paint your dream
  • Event Date: 12-Mar-2024
  • Updated On: 12-Mar-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 24
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Description: On 12th of March ,2024 girls of classes 6-8 had an activity - Paint your dream. The theme for the activity was 'My dream'. They put on their thinking caps and created beautiful paintings. Children showed amazing ingenuity and originality in their painting. The paintings were a reflection of their emotions and feelings and their goals for life. Children enjoyed the activity and enthusiastically participated in it. The activity enhanced their artistic skills , improved their thinking and cognitive skills , helped them think out of the box and explore their artistry. One best painting was chosen from each section by the teachers in charge of the activity. The paintings that have been selected will be shown to the rest of the girls during assembly.